the calendar

Friday, May 1, 2009

just because someone told me my blog is gathering dust....

(yes RB i'm talking about you)


my friend showed me this pic of an equation weeks ago.....

at first i thought it was extremely funny,.... A few weeks later, when i had a gf , i found this equation to be true, women are just offense to the women that are reading or will be reading this ( but...then again, if you are a woman, and you're reading this...then you don't really know who i am so...offense!!! muhahaha! =)) ).

what to write about hmmm....

how about i recap the things i need to do during summer (which is nearing its end).

1. Learn Java! (i really have to put more time onto this one, summer's almost over and i'm not even halfway through the book yet)

2. Increase physical strength ( uhmm this seems to be going nowhere, am i genetically cursed to be weak? T_T )

3. Practice C (this is really doing quite well, you see, i have a friend ( who used to be my girlfriend but i found out she had another boyfriend so i left her but, i'm still talking to her) takes a semester during summer(tri-sem not summer classes), she's taking up the same course as i am (computer science). So i'm helping her out with her assignments and projects(don't ask why).(and yes this is the end of the parenthesis-ed sentences/fragments inside a parenthesis-ed sentence).)

4. Become rich in a particular online game (like the physical strength thing, this is going nowhere)

5. Go to driving school (uhmm, because of my extravagant lifestyle during the semester before summer, i don't have money for this.....)

6. Take guitar/drum lessons (like what i said in number money).

so during this fund-less summer, i spend most of my time home....which is sad......
internet connection is the only thing that's keeping me sane...

New topic!
something random....

i know!

My best friend is going to enroll in UST! yippeeee! now atleast half of my closest friends are in the same school as i am, that should make the next sem a little less dull...and lonely

and BTW... as of today and until i find some weird way to earn money, i will not have load(you know, the one you use to register to an unlimited txt service(in mobile phones).)

for RB.... highlight the txt below


1 comment:

- said...

haha. lol at the forever physically weak idea.

maybe i should try enhancing my own strength as well, beats me whatever good that would bring.

and yeah. i just made you do a post - i think ding's psychology lessons are finally paying off.